Friday, August 29, 2014

WK4 Reflection: Project Revision



I made some revisions to my final project. I added a count down clock to show everything in "real time", I added more text to the project to add a little flare to the video, and I made the video fade out to back and kept the "Fin" with the sad face to keep some humor with the video. The reasons I made these changes comes from what my instructor, fellow class mate, and some other people that viewed the video felt I should do to keep this project looking appealing. I learned a lot of new things with this class and I deeply enjoyed it! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

WK4 Reflection: RISE Peer Feedback

Christina's WK 2 Project

WK4 Reflection: RISE Peer Feedback for Christina Lara

Reflect – Good evening everyone. I am conducting a RISE Peer Feedback for my fellow classmate Christina. I will say that I really enjoyed your project. I like how you used  “trucking” in your video. It made me feel as if I on the road with you. I will also say that the music you chose for this project went great! It was relaxing and made me want to enjoy nature.
Inquire – I would like to know, what made you want to do a video like this? Where did the concept of your idea come from? Also, if you wanted to add anything more to your project, what would it be? What inspired this?
Suggest – If I suggest anything, I would say maybe a couple shots of you in the video. I feel if people could see at least one shot of the person that is speaking in the script, it would feel a little more personal.

Elevate – Perhaps you can add a couple more short clips as you said you may do in your WK2 post. I feel everything else was great and I am very proud of your work!!!! See you in our next class!!!!