Thursday, May 28, 2015

Week 3 Certification: Hernandez Documentary

I see myself in young Richard. I wish I had the money and a friend who would fly with me to a foreign country to take pictures. He had such passion for photography that he just wanted to take pictures. He didn’t care what the repercussions were. In hindsight that could have been the end of his career but this trip gave him a new insight and he learned so much not just about photography but about himself.

Friday, May 15, 2015

MCBS Portfolio Project Submission 2

MCBS Portfolio Project Submission 2- Website Posting

#NewVideoAlert: Vincent VanGREAT  – #Ninja Sauce (Prod. By MF DOOM) #NOWTHATSHIPHOPStar Rating Sought: 

2 Star Approval Rating 

Project Description: 

Over the past 4 years, I have gotten my feet wet in the world of freelance journalism. Last time I submitted a piece of my work, it  did receive great feedback, yet I had to make sure it was a piece of work that was done over the time I have been a student here at Full Sail. I chose to submit a recent post that I did for one of the websites that I work for earlier this week. The post I chose to use for this submission is a mini write-up on a hip hop artist  from Milwaukee,  WI  and his name is Vincent VanGreat. The reason I chose to submit a website post, is because I want you to see that it is a lot of work to make a post for a well-known website. 

When the artist contacts me for a post or if I feel that the artist deserve a post, I search for the content myself. So to say, with this post, all I seen was his music video on youtube. I did some research on the artist and made the bio up by myself. I went on looking for photos to the front page of the post and also the embed link for the youtube video. I then placed the bio, pictures, and video on the post. Soon after, I had to make certain words stand out buy making some "bold" and " italic". Then I added active links to where I spoke about his upcoming projects, website, and his name.

 You can see this and click the links that are highlighted in the color red. After that, I had to add hashtags, so the post will be easy to find on the net for not only the artists, but also their supporters. Many people think that making a post for a web site is easy as cutting and pasting, but it isn't. It is hard work, especially if you have no idea what you are doing. When you click the link below,  please feel free to read the write-up I did on the artist, and click the active links.  This is just a piece of my work that I have done over the years while I have been attending Full Sail. Just click the name DYMEndzInc under the embed video and you can see previous posts I have done for or  search #NOWTHATSHIPHOP  and you will see more of my work, interviews, and previous radio shows. 

Link to Deliverable:

Feedback Received: 

I always received great feedback for my work. When I reached out to the artist  he was very happy that I took the time out to make a post about him, his music video, and his upcoming project. One of the reasons I enjoy doing things like this is because when I was younger and wanted to be an artist, I never had this type of outlet. Now that I do have an outlet for artists, I want to share it with them and put them on a platform that I feel that they deserve. 

Resources Utilized:

Youtube embed music video of "Ninja Sauce", Vincent VanGreat "Ninja Sauce" music single photo, Hyperlinks, Wordpress Site, Google research sources on artist, Write-up done by Lauren Benzo, and Hashtags. 

MCBS Portfolio Project Submission

MCBS Portfolio Project Submission:  "What If....." Save Our Animals WK3 Project Revision

Star Rating Sought: 

1 Star Approval Rating 

Project Description: 

This project was made as a revision during my "Media Psychology" Course. I chose to return my focus back to the “Show Don’t Tell” project. I wanted to come back to this project because not only did I receive a good grade, but I also received great feedback from my instructor and fellow peer. 

Where it comes from Iris feedback, I took the fact that had that received the highest level of engagement to with here, which was the “4 to 5 million animals die each". I wanted to switch that around because I see that this truly got to the primal region of her brain. I know that she wanted me to add a little personal story to this video, and went ahead and added more of a personal story that more facts because I learned that “factual” information really isn’t that effective, when you want to gain the audience attention.

I have learned that when you are using Neuromarketing, you are working the emotions of the audience, and this gives off a greater encounter with the “thinking” region of the brain. This is why I chose the images for this project.  Also with using effective headlines at the end of the video, I understand that is affected the “thinking” region because it would persuade the audience to take action and want to help animals.

During the last two weeks of this course, especially during my lunch breaks at work or even sitting at the hospital with my father, I went back to videos and articles that we receive in the content focus materials. I really want to get the most I can get out of this class because I want my experience in this class to progress in the future, especially if I am presenting projects to potential bosses and investors. The revision and also description made it known that I did learn a countless amount of information and I do plan on using these skills in the future with my career. 

Link to Deliverable:

Feedback Received: 
She insisted that this revision made such a big difference- not only because of my puppy that she felt was so cute, but because it was such a personal message in my video. She also stated that one simple rule to keep in mind would be that, " we are not logical processors, we like to think we are, but we make most of our decisions out of emotion." She told me to remember that in the future in order to get a much wider audience. She also enjoyed the changes and in the face of everything that was going on last month, she was impressed that I got everything done. She gave me a A+ for this assignment and I am very proud of this project. keep

Resources Utilized:

Personal photos, IMovie, Script written by myself,  Without Rhyme or Reason  by Rhodes & Pelfrey from Westar Music.and Youtube.