Thursday, December 19, 2013

AET Week 4 Jumpstart

We are coming to an end of the AET course, in this post I have to write about character on a television program that shows leadership skills. One character that comes to mind is Danny Tanner from “Full House”. If you grew up in the 80’s/90’s you would remember this show. Danny Tanner is a newscaster for a local channel in San Francisco, CA. At home he challenges the role of being a single father to 3 young girls and a great friend/roommate to 2 grown men and a woman. As you would guess it, a house full of this many people would cause chaos. Danny personality servers as the voice of reason when it comes to his household, I also feel that his leadership style is participative/democratic. He always includes his family and friends in the decision-making. He may not always like what they are saying, but he is willing to listen and compromise.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

AET Week 4 RISE Self Evaluation

AET Week 4 Peer Review

MartyrSociety In Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Review assignment, I am giving feedback to a fellow classmate’s Week 3 Project.  His name is Kinser “KB” Brown and his ad for a Youtube series called “Marty Society”. First thing I would like to say is that I love the new ad and the message that is sent thru the illustration. The message is pure. It is showing a man screaming. It looks as if he has broken free from the handcuff and the ball in chain. I love how you added these features in your ad to show that you are trying to help people break from spiritual and physical bondage through your show.

This assignment wants me to ask you “what were you trying to communicate by”… certain parts of your ad. Personally I see the message that you are trying to establish in your ad. You are trying to express “freedom” without spelling it out. I also enjoyed how you made the objects and the script transparent. One this I would suggest is that you make the handcuffs, the script, and the ball and chain a little darker. The brown brick background makes it kind of hard for the red letters to pop out and the grey concrete makes it kind of hard to notice the brown handcuff and the ball and chain. Those are the only things I would say for you to go back and maybe revamp in your ad. Other than that I actually love the design and your message. I also went to Youtube to check out the movement, and it is very positive.  Over the past few months that we have been in classes together, I have noticed that you are very passionate about the “Christian Hip Hop Movement”, and it shows through all your work… in and out of class!

I hope you enjoyed my RISE: Peer Review and I want to wish you and yours a happy holiday and a prosperous new year! See you in 2014!


Lauren Benzo

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

AET Week 3 Exploration

For this assignment, I chose to use the poster from the movie “Belly”.  The color palette has a variety of violets, browns, blacks, and grays. After looking at the color wheel, the movie poste color palettes, and the examples that were provided in the activities Assets, I would say this this has a split complementary scheme.

This color scheme helps create a cool yet dark mood for watching this movie. When looking at the poster, the cool colors of the violets and blues along with the neutral colors of the browns, blacks, grays, and white really gives you an eye-popping feeling. These are the same colors that are used as the color profile in the movie. I love the design of the poster because it is a blank white canvas, but the colors of the faces, hands, and ties, and words draws you in.