Tuesday, December 10, 2013

AET Week 3 Exploration

For this assignment, I chose to use the poster from the movie “Belly”.  The color palette has a variety of violets, browns, blacks, and grays. After looking at the color wheel, the movie poste color palettes, and the examples that were provided in the activities Assets, I would say this this has a split complementary scheme.

This color scheme helps create a cool yet dark mood for watching this movie. When looking at the poster, the cool colors of the violets and blues along with the neutral colors of the browns, blacks, grays, and white really gives you an eye-popping feeling. These are the same colors that are used as the color profile in the movie. I love the design of the poster because it is a blank white canvas, but the colors of the faces, hands, and ties, and words draws you in.

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