Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week 1 Analysis: Vision & Scope

For this week’s analysis assignment, we had to analyze the vision and scope of our potential future entrepreneurial endeavor. I decided to piggyback this course’s project with the project that I did for the Project Management course. In that course, I came up with an idea of a traveling television show with “hip hop” flare. The show is called “Food Traxx with Benzo”. I actually took the idea of this project and started working on a pilot of the show.

As I sat back and starting putting all my eggs in a basket of this particular course/project I wanted to use the idea of that show and another show that I am working on. What better way to knock all everything out the park and start a media company from the ground up. The media company will be called D.Y.M.E. Productions. The “D.Y.M.E.” brand ( D.Y.M.E.ndz Inc- Promotions/Public Relations; D.Y.M.E. Life Radio- Radio Show; D.Y.M.E. Life TV- Vlog) has been with me for over 10 years in the industry, so I felt to keep it going with this project.

This media company will be guided by filmmakers, writers, producers, editors, and artists committed to making ambitious television, films, and editorial the hard way. Our image is broken down in the meaning of D.Y.M.E. Driven Young Motivated Entrepreneurs. This is what your company is made of and the people that we work with. My role in the company will not only be Co- C.E.O of the company, but I will be executive producer/ managing director to the project that the company will work on.

Since I have worked sometime in the industry and I have many networks to shop to, I want to take the company national. Our customers are people that work in metropolitan locations, and our headquarters will be in the heart of the New York City. After sometime we will open up various headquarters around the in cities such as Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and other places, but we will see how everything goes with the process of branding our media company.

Our customers are people that are seeking to take their ideas and turn them various forms of media. We will give them that platform for television show, short films, internet shows/vlog, interactive entertainment and digital media. I would also like to have this company get into publishing. I plan on partnering with 4 people. One would be Monica Benzo. She is a fellow student at Full Sail University, working on her degree in Computer Animation. Another person that will have as a partner for this company would be Sophia Twille because she has experience in Film. I would also have Vanessa Saez as a partner. She has experience in executive producing television and radio shows. Last but not least, I would have another partner named Tasha Mitchell. She is what people call a great marketing specialist. All of these women have over 5 years of experience under their belt, and we all have worked together in the past. When it comes to advisors, I will most likely contact Court Dunn. He has a videography company named “Restless Films”. I will also network and meet with people that has tremendous experience in this field.

We will have the company running in the May of 2016 after the release of “Food Traxx with Benzo”, and “D.Y.M.E. Life TV”. This will also be great to bring in students for (unpaid) internship. Filming will be done in a studio located at our headquarters in New York City, but we will also film on location at various spots because FTWB is a traveling show, and DLTV is a hip hop music video show, that goes on locations to meet interviewees. Other than that, our office will be used for business meetings, networking, and post production.  All our systems must be selected, tested, and operational at least by March of 2016. This will give us 3 months to get all the kinks out and make sure everything will be working and in order when the time comes.

I am creating this business, because when I came up with the ideas of these shows and when other people may contact me for people to do production work for them, I had to think to myself, “Why should I pay someone over 5k to do this work, when my partners and myself can invest in ourselves, and have other people pay us for work that they would want done.” So to say kill the middle man. I feel people will buy into our service because they will get what they will pay for, great quality! I also feel that investors I personally know will invest in this company, because everything I personally say that I am going to do, I get it done. I always make sure I have a plan, a proposal, and a contract ready for any type of discussion with it comes to partnering in a business and making money.

The business will first be financed by my 4 partners and myself. We will have to learn how to budget together and make sure that we are getting more in than what we are putting out. I want to interact with everyone on the same level. We are all working for the same goal, to become one of the best media companies in America. I personally believe that this could work, finances will be a little hard at first, this is another reason why I wanted partners. I feel we call can not do everything by ourselves, but I know when 5 professional people put their heads together. I know we will knock this out the park.

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