Sunday, November 22, 2015

Week 4 Project: Multimedia Video Resume

For my final assignment, I was asked to create a multimedia video resume. The purpose for this assignment was to take a very creative approach to presenting and pitching myself to a prospective employer or client. This was a great experience and I hope you all enjoy. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Self- Evaluation

For this assignment, I had to go back over the month and give a reflection on how I did in this course. I am very happy about the outcome of this class, and I feel that I will take everything I learned with me to progress in the future to land my dream job to pursue a great career! Next Week... Graduation! See you all soon and I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Review

For this assignment I had to conduct a RISE: Peer Review on one of my fellow classmate’s Week 3 Project: Mock Interview. I am glad I had the please to check out Jon’s video because he always does a great job.
Good Evening Jon!
I would like to start off by saying that I really enjoyed your project. You were straight forward with the responses with your questions. The audio and visual was also good. I can relate to finding a place to do certain projects like this because we have to make sure everything is on point and I give you a lot of support for how you had to record your project.
Anyhow, I loved how you pulled out key points about yourself to get the interviewee’s attention. You were confident, your professional look, and you also showed the interviewer that you are seeking to work towards greatness for not only yourself but also the brand of Nike. Also, your responses for the Co-Worker and Problem Solver question we very on point. You made a comment how you can have a personal/ professional relationship with the bosses.  So to say this will break the ice between the management and the employees. It will make the work space easy and more open for everyone to get a long! Kudos to that point.
I don’t know if I missed it, but I do understand that you wrote on your post that the interview was for Nike. I am thinking if I missed the specific position that you were interviewing for. That may give the person watching the video a little more understanding of why you wanted to apply for the position. Now, I know what it is like to get stuff done and I know you wanted to add the “interviewer” part to the project but you weren’t able to. One thing I would have suggested for this project to use the “lower third frame” on IMovie/ Final Cut and put the questions there while you are answering them or you could have made slides of the questions and added them into the video to give a feeling that someone was actually interviewing.
Other than that, I will say great job! You have the experience and confidence that many people want and I am totally proud to say that I was in class with you. We only have a couple more days left and we are graduating. Hopefully we can work together in the future! It will be worth it! Congrats on everything!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 3 Project: Mock Interview

For this assignment, we had to conduct a viral interview. So yes, I am the interviewer and the interviewee. This is showing how I can answer questions given and also have a look at my body language and demeanor.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 3 Practice: Interviewing with Examples

For this assignment, we had to tell 2 stories. One would have to be about an obstacle where we failed and another story about managing a project. I chose to speak on when one event that I promoted flopped and the other story is about when I had to work production/post production on a television show. In order to gain a great position with any company, you have to be able to talk about not only your personal victories but also let downs with confidence! I hope you all enjoy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Week 3 Analysis: Virtual Interview Preparation

For this assignment, I had to make a video showing how I am going to prepare for my virtual interview. I had a very professional setting that would please the employer. I have a strong internet signal that will secure the interview. There wasn't any noise or anything distracting in the background, and I made sure that I was professionally dressed. I hope you enjoy.

Week 3 Practice: Company Questions

For this practice assignment, I  had to conjure up some questions that I would ask an potential employer during an interview. I feel that the questions I chose to list would show that I have great interest in not only the position, but also the company as a whole. 

1. What would you say are the biggest challenges that an employee would face in this position?

This question shows that I do not have any blinders on when it comes to a new job and the excitement that comes with it. This also shows that I recognize that every job has elements that can range from simple to difficult, and I am being thoughtful about what it will take to succeed in the position. 

2. Can you describe a typical day/week in this position?
This question shows that I am thinking beyond the actual interview and am visualizing what it will be like working the position. Unlike some people that are only focused on landing the position without thinking about what will come after.

3. What would you call a successful 1st year in this particular position?

Asking this question will show that my mental is focused towards the same direction as the manager when it comes to what the position needs from the potential employee to contribute to the team, company, and the brand as a whole. I also give the intent to the employer that I am willing to not only achieve that goal, but to also surpass it. 

4. How will the success of the employee in this position be measured?
This question actually piggybacks off the previous question, but it also shows me what the manager actually would values from the employee. I know that certain things may satisfy my previous employer but knowing what is important to the new management will give me a clear understanding of what is what they want in an employee. 

5. Does your company support personal and professional growth with the brand? If so, in what ways would you say it does?

I personally ask this question for every position that I may apply for. We all have to start at some level, but we all do not want to be in the same position for years and years, unless that is the career that you deeply want. This will also show the employer that I am passionate about growing with the company and the brand, instead of just seeking some type of employment that will keep my bills paid for a year or so. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week 3 Exploration: Company Research

In this activity, I chose to do research on a company that I stated in my Week1 Practice. This assignment allowed me to investigate the background of the company to give me a further understanding of the company and also gave me the option to proceed with applying or not. You can locate the PDF of the PowerPoint Presentation here. I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 2 Project: Network Email

For this activity, I had to create an email to send to connections/ fellow professionals that I network with in the past. Before I entered this course, let alone started attending Full Sail University, I can say that I have known a great amount of people in the industry and have collaborated with them on certain tasks, so sending out a letter announcing my graduation and also wanting to seek guidance for the future would be a great thing for me to do. Please enjoy....

 Subject: Seeking the Future of Journalism... Look No Further!

Greetings " professional contact person",

I am so delighted to share this news with you! I have been attending Full Sail University for the past couple of years and I am proud to say that I will be graduating! Soon I will complete my Bachelors of Science in Media Communications, and this degree will go perfectly with my experience with being a Journalist along with an On-Air Talent. While attending school, I have progressed in the "New Media Journalism World" with writing, marketing, digital skills, along with video and audio production. With my experience with creating content, project management, and branding, you can say that I am a force to be reckoned with. With the changes in the world and also technology, I feel that I would be a great asset to many companies. You can view my journey as a Media Communications major here. I not only feel that I am qualified for various positions, but I also feel that I can help elevate a company as a whole, if given that chance.

I am reaching out to you because I know you have an extensive network and hoped you may know someone who could give me some insight on how to expand my brand as a media professional or if you have any recommendations or leads to any media positions that would be a perfect fit for me, please let me know. Also, if you may need any referrals from me, please do not hesitate to ask. As Henry Ford said, "Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success!" Please feel free to call me at 424-265-8120

Thank you again for taking the time to read this email.

Lauren Benzo

Week 2 Practice: Elevator Pitch

For this assignment I had to make an elevator pitch promoting myself as a brand. I feel that this is a great tool to use when I am trying to pitch myself for an opportunity to network or seek employment in the media industry. I hope you all enjoy!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 2 Practice: Networking

For this practice assignment, I had to research some media industry conferences that best suits my career goals. After breaking them all down in two, I had to pick one that was local and one that was national. I chose these two conferences, because I know attending these events would help me progress in my career as a radio personality/journalist. Not only will I be able to learn from the professionals that are speaking on the panel. but they will also be great people to network and build with.

Local: Public Radio Content Conference- Pittsburgh, PA: I chose this conference because as you know I have a great passion for radio. This conference is for program directors to network and hopefully collaborate on some ideas in the future. Yes, I know that I am not a program director *yet*, but I would love to attend because this will give me an opportunity with some directors, ask for advise and wisdom, and hopefully gain a potential position at their station in the future.

National: Revolt Music Conference- Miami, FL: I chose this particular conference not only because it's popular, but this conference is a industry event that combines the worlds of music, blogging, radio, social media, television, and more. Not to mention, there are a great amount of celebrities, yet I know myself and I will not attend to see performances or meet "celebs". I will use this conference as a tool to boost my career. There will be a variety of people that I could network with. So to say, I will meet a producer. I will let him/her know that I am a journalist and I would to conduct an interview with them. BOOM! I could also meet website owners that are seeking freelance journalists or maybe a program director that has inquired about me in the past may give me a job offer because I carry my brand in a professional way. When you are involved with conferences such as this one, you have to always keep your eyes and ears open to gain knowledge and work your networking magic!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 2 Exploration: Build Your Network

For this week's exploration, we had to outline and identify professional/ personal communities along with strategies to build our professional network. I not only listened communities that I am currently a member of, but also one's that could help me in the future with my career. You can locate the PDF of the PowerPoint Presentation below. I hope you all enjoy.

Week 2 Exploration: Build Your Network

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week 1 Project: A Tailored Resume

After viewing Steve Harris' "Designing a Resume" tutorial on, I will say that my resume is a traditional resume with a touch of modern. I say this because my resume is full of information, but it gets straight to the point of who I am and what i have accomplished. I also feel that this resume would be perfect for the position that I would apply for.  Here is a link to my resume and here is also a link to the "On-Air Talent" position at a radio station in Hollywood, FL. 

Week 1 Practice: Cover Letter

For this week's practice, my classmates and I were asked to make a cover letter that would cater to not only a professionally branded resume, but also for an open position of our choice. I chose an "On-Air Talent" position at a radio station in Hollywood, FL. Here is a link to my cover letter and here is also a link to the open position.