Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 2 Practice: Networking

For this practice assignment, I had to research some media industry conferences that best suits my career goals. After breaking them all down in two, I had to pick one that was local and one that was national. I chose these two conferences, because I know attending these events would help me progress in my career as a radio personality/journalist. Not only will I be able to learn from the professionals that are speaking on the panel. but they will also be great people to network and build with.

Local: Public Radio Content Conference- Pittsburgh, PA: I chose this conference because as you know I have a great passion for radio. This conference is for program directors to network and hopefully collaborate on some ideas in the future. Yes, I know that I am not a program director *yet*, but I would love to attend because this will give me an opportunity with some directors, ask for advise and wisdom, and hopefully gain a potential position at their station in the future.

National: Revolt Music Conference- Miami, FL: I chose this particular conference not only because it's popular, but this conference is a industry event that combines the worlds of music, blogging, radio, social media, television, and more. Not to mention, there are a great amount of celebrities, yet I know myself and I will not attend to see performances or meet "celebs". I will use this conference as a tool to boost my career. There will be a variety of people that I could network with. So to say, I will meet a producer. I will let him/her know that I am a journalist and I would to conduct an interview with them. BOOM! I could also meet website owners that are seeking freelance journalists or maybe a program director that has inquired about me in the past may give me a job offer because I carry my brand in a professional way. When you are involved with conferences such as this one, you have to always keep your eyes and ears open to gain knowledge and work your networking magic!

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