Sunday, November 30, 2014

Portfolio Project Submission 1

MCBS Portfolio Project Submission: D.Y.M.E. Lyfe TV Pilot Snippet

Star Rating Sought: 

2 Star Approval Rating 

Project Description: 

I have been doing radio for many years now, and I had the idea revamp my radio show into a music video television. My sister Monica, my cousin Sophia, and myself grabbed a camera and shot footage in all the 5 boroughs of New York City. We were also able to contact hip hop artist in the area and interview them. After we finished taping, I grabbed some previous footage that I had from covering events and I started the post editing adding effects, voice over music, and actual hip hop music videos from the likes of SlaughterHouse, Lupe Fiasco, Notorious B.I.G. and more. I am not actually ready to release all of the pilot, but I wanted to submit a snippet to give you an idea of what I have been working on. I hope you enjoy. 

Link to Deliverable:
Feedback Received: 

Even though I haven't shown this snippet to any of my instructors or fellow classmates, I was not able to receive their feedback. I do recall showing some of the footage to my Digital Video and Editing Principles instructor, and he said he was impressed. I have received a lot of positive feedback from this pilot, from people that I have shown it to and sent out to potential sponsors. From the lighting, the angles, the music chosen, even the graphics. Since this is my first time really doing something like this, I will say that I was a little afraid of how it would be received, but I will say that I have really out done myself. When everything is finished and ready to be released to the public, I will let you know and I would love to hear all feedback on my work. Positive or not positive. All criticism is constructive.  

Resources Utilized: 

While working on this pilot, I used a cannon XA10 HD Professional Camcorder, Adobe Premiere, Itunes, and Adobe After Effects. I would also like to add that my co-host of this pilot were Monica Benzo and Sophia Twillie.  

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