Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 1 Project: Proposal & Wireframe

Dear Mr. Archer Ray, 

I would like to begin this email by thanking you for contacting Designs By Benzo and wanting to do business with us. I very excited to be a part of expanding your brand.  In this day and age, sometime in the near future, Holy Magdalena Cupcake Express will experience a significant increase in competition. I would personally say that the competition will utilize modern-looking websites and social networking. I feel that you wouldn't want other businesses that use trendy sites along with using social networking to draw customers away from Holy Magdalena Cupcake Express. Your brand needs a extreme online presence. This may be one of the reasons why you reached out to me a few days ago. I also kept in mind that you want this website to tell your story, along with what makes your cupcakes unique, and how to let your customers know where to find your truck.

To effectively get your story out to the public, bring to light the uniqueness of your product, make it accessible for your supportes to find you, and to broaden your brand... You will need to build a website. I do remember you stating that you don’t have any social networking accounts. I will have to tell you that we have to change that as soon as possible. There are so many benefits when it comes to social media. You can increase your brand recognition, improve your brand’s loyalty, you can showcase your cupcakes, you will have better search engine rankings, and you can get a clear view of the customer experiences. I understand that you may not have time to run social networking pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and so on. Well I have a solution for that. There are programs that will produce auto-feed to all of these accounts at one time. So, let’s say that your truck is driving to a new location, you can just access the auto-feed app from your phone and your post will generate on all of your accounts. You can also set up post-dated feed that will generate at certain times of the day. I will help you with this, free of charge. This is really all up to you, but I would zealously suggest this.

Now, let’s talk about the website. We already spoke on the key elements of the website, we identified your audience, and we determined the most effective call to action. The next phase would be the plan of the content. I appreciate you sending me the color schemes, the logo, and pictures that you would like to showcase on your website. If you look below, you will find a wirefame representation of what I feel will be very pleasing to your current and potentially new customers. I know you wanted to keep it simple. In the future you would like to add some more pizzazz, please let me know.

The estimated design and administrative time will be 48-72 hours. The fee for everything will be $1,500. I estimate the delivery of the site would be 1 week after a deposit of $750.00 is sent to via Paypal. I do ask that this deposit will be made in a timely manner, because I would need the deposit of $750.00 in order to start this process. I also ask that your initial payment of $750.00 would be sent to the PayPal account listed above, within 15 days of the deposit. If this project becomes shelved, prolonged, or delayed by you as my client for 30 days or more, I will invoice you for this job as completed. I would also like to advise you that there is an cancelation fee of the identical amount of the deposit, which would be $750.00.

I am ready to get this started for you and I would like to thank you for considering me for this project. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact me at the information below.


Lauren Benzo

Lauren Benzo
Designs By Benzo

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