Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week 3 Project: Portfolio Skeleton

I feel very confident in my understanding of the MCBS public-facting portfolio requirement! I love the fact that I can showcase my best work not only to my instructors but also to the public. I know that the 1-,2- and 3-star projects I are completing in my MCPP courses contribute to the requirement. 
I love the fact that everything that I have handed in goes exactly with what I want to accomplish as a journalist and radio personality. From the proposal I wrote, to my air-drop, even the interview that I done with Shady Records' SlaughterHouse, you can see my passion in my work. You can tell that I truly love what I do! 

I personally feel that all areas of my skeleton are strong, but I will say that it is a tie between my portfolio and my testimonials. The reason I say this is because my portfolio is showing my work to the public and the testimonials are from people that not only support my goals that believe in my and my goals. When it comes to needing work, I will say that I am going to leave that up to my instructor to point out, because I really do not see anything wrong with the site. I am very proud of what I created because I put my heart and soul into this site, and I know this will be a great outlet for potential clients to get to know and understand my brand. 

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