Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 3 Exploration: Digging Deeper

For this Exploration assignment, I choose 3 articles from the MCBS WDC Diigo Resources to review and address. These articles were “11 Inspiring Minimalistic Web Designs”, “Creating A Successful Online Portfolio”, and “Ernest Hemingway’s Top 5 Tips for Writing Well”. I choose to review these 3 articles for many different reasons.

I wanted to review the “11 Minimalistic Web Designs”, because I am becoming more interested in building and working on websites. I would even say my own so I can save money. From reading this article, I learned that all the designers listed put together different layouts and ideas, but they were inspiring and inviting to my eyes. This is something that I want to bring to the table, showing that less can sometimes be more. I know that I am going to apply what I have seen from this article for my best benefit. I know with me working on a site, I want the visitor coming to my site to feel welcomed and not overwhelmed with some much content that may not be useful for me to use.

Next I wanted to read up on the article called “Ernest Hemingway’s Top 5 Tips for Writing Well”. This was a very inspiring article due to the fact that I am a journalist, and I am always open to learning and perfecting my craft. One thing I know I am guilty of is writing long sentences. This is the first thing NOT to do. Getting straight to the point gets your point across to the user. Another tip that I enjoyed was “Be Positive, not negative.” Can you see how simple and to the point that sentence was. Just like the last article, I am going to apply to the site I am building and also to my writing in my career as a journalist. I want to keep everyone’s attention, yet not bombard his or her brain.

Last but not least, I read “Creating A Successful Online Portfolio”. This is where I really got into, because I plan on using this online portfolio personal use. This article gave me plenty of insight on how to make it easy to use, stays on my objectives, and how to professionally manage this site. I have already made a “Facebook Like” page with over 900 likes in one day. Which I am very proud about to add to my Twitter, Instagram, Google +, and LinkedIn accounts. I also learned from this article like the other 2 articles that less is more. I have realized that I should only have the most important and informal for the visitors that may want to network or want my services. Yes, you already know that I am going to use the information that I learned from this article for my website. I have to make sure I don’t over cram information, have a navigation in order, stay away from visual clutter. I know that it is going to take time to make the greatest website/online portfolio. Yet, this is the reason why we have these classes. Closed minds cannot elevate and I am ready for the next level!


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