Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week 2 Project: Soft Launch

Welcome To Holy Magdalena Cupcake Express!

Self Assessment: 

I am actually proud of the website that I have created for this company. I will also say that I met all of the provisions that I outlined in my proposal. I even took time out to start social networking accounts for Mr. Archer. There are more things I would like to add to the site to make it a little more snazzier, yet I know that Mr. Archer wanted the website to be simple for any user to access. Everything that I offered in the proposal was delivered on time to the client. I will say that the most challenging part of this process was actually trying to design the site. I know the more I learn, the more I will be about to conquer this process in the future. I would like to go deeper by adding some more colors to the website. I hope I will be able to do it because this was made off a free account on I know just having it plain white may be a little boring. I would also like to add a Google map app to the website.

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