Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 3 Practice: Portfolio Inventory

Web Designs By Benzo | Potential Client Questionnaire

Please fill out the questionnaire below. Someone will contact you in a matter of two to three business days.

* Required
Name of Client *
Lauren Benzo                                   

Name of Company/ Brand *
Lauren Benzo (Self- Branded Journalist/ Radio Personality)

Primary Contact Number *

Primary Contact Email Address *
Do you currently have an active website? *

If so, is the website in mid-development?

What would be a website domain you would like to use? *
www.laurenbenzo.com , www.msbenzo.com , or www.mslaurenbenzo.com   

Please describe in detail what you would like to share with the users/customers viewing your website *
With this website, I would like to share details about my professional brand, my relevant education, my work history, examples of my work, my skills, and my social networking  sites for potential clients and/or supports to stay in touch with me and my endeavors.

Is there a company tagline, hashtag, and, slogan that you would to showcase on the website? *
The Hip-Hop Carrie Bradshaw and #NOWTHATSHIPHOP

Please explain what your company does. *
I am a freelance journalist for many websites and publications. I am also a radio personality. I would like to mesh these two skills together and showcase them on the website for people that seeking journalists and/ personalities to add to their brand.  

Please describe what you would like in particular in the website design. *
I would like something simple yet with some type of flare. I would also like colors as black, white, grey, and purple.

What is your budget? *
I am willing for pay $1,500.00 USD.

What branding elements would you like to show the visitors, clients, and potential customers? *
I would like to showcase my previous booking/promotional/ public relations experience. Testimonials from some of my previous colleagues, collaborators, and instructors from Full Sail University. I would also love to showcase some YouTube interviews/drops, my radio air drop, and photos of my journey as a journalist/radio personality.  

Who do you feel would be your target audience for your website? *
My target audience would be people that love hip hop music and fashion. People that are seeking to network and build a professional relationship. Too add to that, I would say   people that are seeking to bring me on to their team as a journalist and radio personality. Also, people that just want to follow my journey in life.

Please provide two website addresses of your competitors and explain what makes you different from them. *
MediaTakeOut.com- This site is basically about gossip, which me as a journalist do not feed into. In this business you have to be unbiased.

JackThriller.com- This is suppose to be about music and news, but it is more so gossip. I want my users to view me as an profession woman in the industry, not a person seeking to put a story out about Kim K and her child going to their local Target to but diapers.

Please provide 2 website addresses of sites you like and which features stand out to you the most *
AnalogLady.com- I like this website because it’s clean and easy for the user to travel through pages. There is a search engine, you can see the logo at the upper left hand corner . That keeps my attention. I also like how all of her social networking links are on the front page.

RoadArtProductions.com- This has a little bit of the same layout. It’s clean, you see the logo on the left hand corner, all the social media links, and the navigation menu.

How you would like to use these features on your site. *
AnalogLady.com- I am seeking something like this look. Yet, I do want a navigation menu for *about, resume, portfolio, contact, services, skills, testimonials/endorsements, and a photo scrap book/ pop out collage.

RoadArtProductions.com- Same as analoglady.com but add the navigation menu .

Do you have a logo or would one need to be created/modified?  *
I do have a logo, yet if you are willing to modify it, please let me know and I can send it with the images.

Are you going to provide photos? *
Yes I am.

Are you interested in selling merchandise or accept payments via your new website? *
I do plan on selling merchandise with my #NOWTHATSHIPHOP brand on it but that will be at a later date. Yet I do collect payments through PayPal, so I would like to add a PayPal link to the website, if possible.

Will you be adding your own content to the website? *
Yes I am.

Do you have a requested deadline for the launch of the website? *
Yes I do.  The deadline is December 13, 2014


Thank you for your time, someone will contact you in the matter of two to three business days.

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