Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WK4: Peer Review

I am providing my RISE Peer Review on Mr. Kinser Brown’s WK3 Project: Storyboard. I would like to start off by saying that I really enjoyed the presentation that you provided. When it begun, I love the cover art to your “comic book” and the 1st image of a man that was in a tug of war with his mind and heart. That is an image I can definitely relate to, because before I started attending Full Sail for Media Communications, I was in a tug of war with my mind and heart.

I also love how you described the reason why you wanted to go from sports training to working with Christian Hip Hop and why sports was no longer your main focus. I want to give a big shout out to your wife for recommending Full Sail as the school that you should attend. I remember in May of this year, I was thinking of where I should go and my sister spoke highly of this school, and I am very grateful that she told me to come here.

Another thing that stood out to me is that you spoke of your passion for media communications. That is a great plus, because it shows that your passion will be presented through your work. From DJ’ing and even starting your own online podcast is big! It shows that you took something that you felt great about and made your own brand with it.

A couple things that I would consider is have a little more enthusiasm in your voice over. Don’t get me wrong. I did enjoy it, but if you had a little more feeling in your speech, it would have sound more inviting. Another thing I would say is that you could have extended your story by going a little more in detail on certain situations. Other than that, I really enjoyed your project. Not to mention, Drake’s “Pound Cake” as your background music was a plus to me.  All in all, this was a great work of art and I enjoyed watching and giving a little input on your work. Good luck with everything you will achieve in life. You deserve it.



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